Hiding my valuable content with a sneaky CSS nav bar

My current issue involves the nav bar overlaying my content

Here is a link to the problem for reference

I am seeking advice on how to resolve this issue, as I'm unsure of what steps to take

The nav bar functions properly in responsive/mobile mode, but encounters problems in desktop mode :(

Answer №1

To modify your unordered list, simply adjust its position to static like so:

/*Remove padding and list style from the ul*/
ul {
    margin: auto auto; 
    padding: 0;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    position: static;


Then, enclose your paragraph text with a



Alternatively, you can place your ul inside a div tag.

Answer №2

When you use absolute positioning for your navigation bar, it is taken out of the regular document flow.

This means that it no longer takes up space on the page like a block level element would, leading to content overlap.

There are a few solutions-

You can switch it back to static positioning as mentioned earlier.

Alternatively, you can keep it as absolute - or even fixed if you want the nav bar to stay at the top of the window, but make sure to add enough margin at the top of your content to prevent any overlapping.

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