Disappearance of CSS background images in Chrome

This specific issue seems to be isolated to Google Chrome running on Mac OS X (Chrome 17). I have conducted tests on all the major browsers on both Mac and Windows 7.

The problematic page can be found here:

The page utilizes JQuery AJAX to load divs. On initial load or refresh, everything appears normal. However, the problem arises when navigating between pages, especially while scrolling quickly. Try rapidly scrolling down the page and then hitting the right arrow.

At that point, background images that were initially loaded via CSS, like:

.sort_block{ background: url(images/sort_block.png) no-repeat;}

begin to vanish. Strangely, only background images loaded with CSS are affected, while others remain intact. Even on the Google Chrome Inspector, the syntax seems correct, and the image has been cached, yet it fails to display. Modifying a property like "top: 8px;" to "top: 9px;" causes the image to suddenly reappear.

This issue appears exclusive to Chrome versions 17 and Chrome Canary v. 19 on Mac OS X (10.7.3). Should I bring this bug to the attention of Google, or is there a known workaround or fix available? I could resort to replacing the CSS-loaded images with HTML-loaded ones, but I would prefer to address this problem correctly.

Answer №2

After spending countless hours trying to debug, I finally discovered that the issue was not with the code itself, but rather a memory-related bug in the latest version of Chrome. Interestingly, it seems that this bug only affects larger images. A quick fix for now is to reduce the file size to less than 10kB.

For a visual demonstration, I have prepared a test file that showcases the difference between a large and a small background image.


Answer №3

We came up with a solution to address this issue until Chromium/Chrome resolves the problem (hello, Milton)...

One of my coworkers, Andrew, shared our fix here:

You can view the problematic page here:

It seems like this solution has also helped others, even though it's not the most elegant fix!

Answer №4

Nowadays, I encountered a similar problem and the solution turned out to be using the absolute URL instead of a relative path.

For instance, replacing url(images/image.png)



Answer №5

To fix the issue, employ the :url(.//images path. The use of .// should provide a solution.

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