Disable Chrome's default click and hold/drag image behavior

Upon using Google Chrome, I have observed a functionality where one can click and hold an image, causing a semi-transparent copy of the image to attach itself to the cursor. This allows the user to drag the image to the desktop for saving purposes.

I am seeking a way to disable this feature and prevent the semi-transparent version of images from attaching to the cursor when held on certain images within my website.

Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

Answer №1

To avoid this behavior, simply utilize the property:

-webkit-user-drag: auto | element | none;

For more information on -webkit-user-drag, refer to the documentation at CSS-infos.net (I couldn't locate a reference on MDN)

Implementation Instructions

Assign the class .nonDraggableImage to your img elements and include the following CSS:

    -webkit-user-drag: none;

Answer №2

I had to find an alternative method to make it function properly:

<img src="http://placehold.it/150x150" draggable="false">


Answer №3

One method involves placing a transparent image layer on top of the image you wish to safeguard against viewing.

To learn more, visit:

Refer to the section titled "Tricking the downloaders".

Answer №4

I enjoy utilizing the draggable feature.


<img draggable="true" src="image.jpg">

However, another option to consider is using ondragstart.

ondragstart="return true;"

<img ondragstart="return true;" src="image.jpg">

You could also explore the use of pointer-events (although some browsers may not support it and could have other issues).

style="pointer-events: auto;"

<img src="image.jpg" style="pointer-events: auto;">

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