Difficulty with navigation on Chrome for Android (also impacting Bootstrap's website and all other sites utilizing Bootstrap design)

While working on creating a responsive website using Bootstrap, I encountered an unusual issue with navigation specifically in Chrome on Android. After some investigation, I found that the same problem exists on Bootstrap's own website.

  1. To see the issue in action, open Bootstrap [ http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/ ] or any website utilizing Bootstrap in Chrome on Android
  2. Click on the menu to open it, then close it, and finally click again to reopen it
  3. At this point, the navigation appears blank even though the links are present and clickable but not visible. [See attached screenshots for reference - I am facing the same problem on my site]

Here are the screenshot links:

If you have any insights on how to resolve this issue or any other information that could help me troubleshoot, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you

Answer №1

I may not fully comprehend the reason behind this issue, but implementing this css override appears to resolve it:

.nav-collapse {
    -webkit-transform: none;

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