Embed a video within an image while ensuring it remains responsive on all devices

I have a picture that resembles something like this one

My goal is to embed a video into it while maintaining its aspect ratio when the screen size is reduced. The responsive design should only affect the width since the image will be displayed in portrait mode on mobile devices.

Unfortunately, I am struggling with implementing this using CSS. I attempted to use absolute positioning and various percentages, but the ratios are not preserved properly when resizing the screen, causing the video to shrink.

Answer №1

If you are utilizing the open source HTML5 video player, videoJS, there is a feature called 'Fluid' mode that allows you to maintain a chosen aspect ratio when resizing the video.

You can find detailed configuration instructions here:

Here is an example of how to configure it:

var player = videojs('vid2');

//Enable fluid mode

//Set aspect ratio - 1:1 creates a square in this example

//Make the UI responsive

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