Differentiating CSS translate in front versus behind another div

I'm having some trouble translating an SVG graphic in the y-axis using CSS transforms. The translation itself is working fine:

transform: translate3d(0, -100px, 0);

However, when I move the graphic 100px up in the Y direction, it ends up behind its parent div. I've attempted adjusting the z-index of different elements, but I can't seem to get the SVG graphic to display in front.

Here are images to illustrate my issue:

Before the translate:

transform: translate3d(0, -100px, 0);

Answer №1

In my opinion, the issue here is not related to z-index but rather overflow. I suggest adjusting the overflow: visible property on the .svg-container element, which is currently set to hidden.

Answer №2

To solve the issue, change the overflow property of .svg-container from hidden to visible. This solution was inspired by Hugo Silva's advice. I have made the necessary edits based on his answer.


Upon further testing, I found that this code resolves the problem:

transform: translateY(-100px) translateX(-3px);

However, using the following code does not produce the desired outcome:

transform: translateY(-100px) translateX(-3px);

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