Utilize the dimensions of one image to resize others using the JavaScript method .getBoundingClientRect

I am attempting to transfer the width and height measurements of the initial image to all subsequent images on the page.

Currently, I have successfully applied the dimensions of the first image to the second one, but I am facing difficulties with the third, fourth, and so on...

As a newcomer to JavaScript, I acknowledge that there may be a simple mistake in my approach.

You can view the current status here: https://codepen.io/GBol/pen/GRXWvJY

<div class="boxA">   
  <img class="landscape"src="http://placekitten.com/800/400">

<div class="boxB">   
  <img class="portrait"src="http://placekitten.com/400/800">

<div class="boxC">   
  <img class="portrait"src="http://placekitten.com/400/800">

.boxA {
  width: 20%;
  border: solid blue;
  display: block;
  float: left;

.boxB {
 border: solid blue;
 display: block;
 float: left;

.landscape {
width: 100%;
display: block;

.portrait {
height: 100%;
/** to center horizontally **/
margin: auto;
display: block;

var boxA = document.querySelector(".boxA"),
boxB = document.querySelector(".boxB")

function copyHeight(from,to){
to.style.height = from.getBoundingClientRect().height + "px"

function copyWidth(from,to){
to.style.width = from.getBoundingClientRect().width + "px"

Answer №1

When using the querySelector method, it will only return the first matching element. If there are multiple elements that match the selector, only the first one will be selected.

To apply a function to all elements on the page with the class of boxB, you should use the querySelectorAll method to select them all.

You will then need to iterate over each selected element and run the function for each one. One way to do this is by using the forEach() method.

The forEach method takes a function as an argument, which will be executed for every element in the array or nodelist. This function will receive each element as a parameter, allowing you to reference it within the function. Here is an example of such a function:

(box) => {
  copyHeight(boxA, box)
  copyWidth(boxA, box)

Instead of writing the function in the traditional way, you can opt for the "fat arrow" syntax for better readability:

(box) => {
  copyHeight(boxA, box)
  copyWidth(boxA, box)

Putting it all together, your final code may look like this:

const boxA = document.querySelector(".boxA")
const boxB = document.querySelectorAll(".boxB")

boxB.forEach((box) => {
  copyHeight(boxA, box)
  copyWidth(boxA, box)
function copyHeight(from, to){
  to.style.height = from.getBoundingClientRect().height + "px"

function copyWidth(from, to){
  to.style.width = from.getBoundingClientRect().width + "px"

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