JavaScript code using the Jquery library to retrieve the following article from 'cached memory'

I am aware of the easier CSS options for my question, but I am determined to learn JS (Jquery), so please bear with me.

My plan: Menu-items are connected to articles within my content division. Initially, only the first article (#intro) is displayed. All the articles within the #menu should be in a JavaScript array. When I click on 'next' or 'previous', another article corresponding to the chronology of the menu items in the array should show up.

This is a preview of what I envision it to look like eventually (the bone structure):

Please see my code below:

I'm new to JS and struggling to make the separate articles display. However, the initial function to hide everything works fine.

HTML code:

<!-- HTML code goes here -->

JS code:

<!-- JS code goes here -->

CSS Stylesheet:

<!-- CSS styles go here -->

If you could help me figure out what's wrong with my JS code, that would be greatly appreciated. My goal was to store all the menu items in a variable and use the 'next'/'previous' buttons to display the content accordingly.

JSFiddle Preview


<!-- Updated JS code snippet will be shown here -->

Answer №1

After reviewing your code, I have made some necessary changes. Firstly, I fixed the missing end tags in some of the div elements and removed the extra commas between src="" and alt="" attributes in images – there should only be a space between them. Additionally, I moved the script to the end of the document as it's best practice.

<a id="Some_Name" href="#menu_a">Introductie </a>

I noticed that you used name='next' for a button element, which should actually be id="next". Furthermore, I deleted the line $('#content').hide(); as it seemed unnecessary in this context. Remember that $('#asdf') will only work with ids, so make sure to set ids for your links:

<div id="wrapper">
        <div id="logo" onclick="window.location.href='×50&w=50&h=50'">
            <img src="img/logo.png" alt="logo" />
            <h1>Hartmeting voor fitte mensen</h1>
    <nav id="menu">

Lastly, I tested the functionality of the next button and it seems to be working correctly, although I'm not entirely sure about your exact requirements. Please test the updated code provided above.

Answer №2

The final component highlighted in your most recent piece is the table. To determine if this article is indeed the last one, compile a list of all its respective IDs:

articleIdentifiers=['menu-a', 'menu-b', 'menu-c']

Therefore, make the following adjustment:

$('#next').click(function (event)
        var nextItem;
        if (visible.attr('id') == articleIdentifiers[articleIdentifiers.length - 1])//the article being viewed is the last one
            nextItem = $('#' + articleIdentifiers[0]); //navigate back to the first one
            nextItem =;

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