Differences in behavior of CSS links have been observed between Chrome and Safari compared to Firefox

I am currently facing two issues. Firstly, in Chrome and Safari, there is a gray border around an image link that does not appear in Firefox. Here is the code snippet:

<a href="link.html" target="_blank">Link title <img class="leaving" /></a>

Here is the CSS used:

.leaving {
    background-image: url("images/leaving.png");
    height:10px; width:10px;

How can I remove this border?

Secondly, certain heading links are being underlined in Chrome and Safari despite setting text-decoration to none. I would like to know how to remove the underline and change its color.

<a href="link">

a h2,h3{

Even though "a" is set to underline in other places, shouldn't "a h3" override anything else? Can you explain what may be causing this behavior?

Thank you.

Answer №1

Looks like there might be a bug in your code!

Here's what you currently have:

a h2,h3{

The code above selects all H2's within "a" tags, and all h3's that are NOT within "a" tags.

If you want to style all H3's within "a" tags, you should modify the code like this:

a h2, a h3{

Make sure you add another "a" to target the desired elements.

Additionally, it's considered better practice to nest "a" tags inside "h" tags instead of vice versa:

h2 a, h3 a{

However, this may not work with your current setup:

I hope this information is helpful!

Answer №2

This issue is well-known in both Firefox and Safari, where the workaround involves replacing the img tag with a span tag to ensure everything functions correctly. I made the necessary adjustments to the code as shown below:

    <a href="link.html" target="_blank">Link title <span class="leaving"/></a>


If you prefer sticking with the img tag, you must eliminate the width attribute from the CSS definition. Here's the updated CSS code:

.leaving {
    background-image: url("images/leaving.png");

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