Developing User-Friendly Websites with Responsive Design

While I was working on my project, I realized that using only pixel values in tables and sidebars was a big mistake. This caused issues because if someone had a different screen resolution, my website would look distorted and unappealing.

Could you please advise me on which codes to use for implementing responsive design?

I am aware that using percentage values for width and height can be beneficial. However, I am not entirely sure how to properly incorporate % values. Are there any other steps I should take?

Answer №1

I prefer utilizing "rem" units to prevent any issues, especially when it comes to the max/min widths of media.

Assuming 1rem = 16px for your desktop design, in almost all cases things will work smoothly even on lesser-known devices.

EDIT: (due to the comment)

There are a couple of key points. 1.- Utilize "rem" for sizing elements (like font-size: 0.875rem rather than font-size:14px) to maintain proper proportions relative to pixel size, 2.- Employ @media queries to adjust layout based on screen width, incorporating rem sizing as well, where min-width 20rem equates to approximately the width of 20 "M" letters (not entirely accurate, but close).

For example, imagine you have a 24-inch screen with 1480px resolution, and your friend also has 1480px but on a 6-inch screen. If you set the font size to 12px, it may look good to you, but small to your friend. Device/browser developers may establish different rem sizes based on the physical size of the device (e.g., 24px), so your 0.875rem will translate to 21 pixels on their screen (more comfortably legible).

The adaptation of layout for narrow screens can also involve these rems, providing a more user-friendly experience for both scenarios. While you have a screen width of 92.5 rems at 1480px, your friend would have 74 rems due to the smaller display size.

Answer №2

If you're looking to create a sidebar that takes up 1/4th of your website, using percentage values can make it simple:

.container { 
   width: 75% 
.sidebar { 
   width: 25% 

By setting the container to 75% width, you leave 25% space which can neatly accommodate a sidebar next to it (don't forget to add float:left to both elements).

But what about mobile view where you want both the container and sidebar to be 100% width? You can achieve this with media queries:

//medium phone size
@media screen (max-width: 425px) {
   .container {
      width: 100%
   .sidebar {
      width: 100%

Answer №3

Here are a few options for addressing this issue:

  • Implement media queries in your pages to make them responsive.
  • Utilize a CSS grid along with media queries.
  • Consider using Flexbox in combination with media queries.
  • Explore other CSS frameworks that include a built-in grid system.

Answer №4

One way to create a responsive website is by utilizing Bootstrap. This framework not only ensures responsiveness but also offers a wide range of pre-designed styles for elements like buttons, fonts, and tables, making it easier to implement with just a few classes.

If Bootstrap seems daunting, consider following the advice from @Damian Makkink and @Marc_DNL that has been shared in previous responses.

In my opinion, developing a custom CSS for a responsive site and design yields better results. Personally, I started with Bootstrap for my hobby project, but eventually transitioned away from it altogether.

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