Show or conceal advertisement based on user role

I have developed a custom Web Control that acts as a container for a mobile banner, but I want to hide it from users who are admins.

So far, I've attempted the following:

<mob:MobileBanner runat="server" ID="MobileBanner" Visible='<%# Not HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Admin") %>' />

Unfortunately, this approach doesn't seem to be working as expected.

I also considered wrapping the HTML code in a conditional check to display the advertisement content only if the user is not an admin, along with the necessary CSS link.

Although there is a similar query regarding enabling and disabling buttons based on user roles (referenced here), it pertains to ASP.NET Server Side buttons rather than a basic Web Control designed for holding HTML elements.

If anyone requires the implemented code, simply add a new Web Control to your project and paste the following snippet:

<link href = "my_css_file_here.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<div Class="my_banner_container">
    <!--Insert your banner code here-->

An alternative solution involves creating a server-side container within the master document and applying the following logic:

my_container.Visible = Not HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Admin")

Additionally, you may need to adjust the padding-top property from 130px to 50px depending on the user's role status, requiring dynamic changes when an admin logs in or out.

For non-admins, consider utilizing a specific CSS file:

<link href = "my_css_file_130_here.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" runat="server" />

Meanwhile, admins can use a different CSS file:

<link href = "my_css_file_50_here.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" runat="server" />

Incorporate two distinct CSS files affecting the padding-top attribute and alter the href based on the user's admin privileges or lack thereof.

body {
     padding-top: 130px;


body {
     padding-top: 50px;

If you have any suggestions on how to streamline this process or propose a more efficient method, please share your ideas!

Answer №1

Avoid displaying it if you don't need it. It will only be displayed if the user is not in the Admin role.

<%If Not HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Admin")
    <mob:MobileBanner runat="server" ID="MobileBanner" />
End If %>

Answer №2

To solve the issue, I decided to include the stylesheet link in my code and set it to runat="server" with the href attribute pointing to a 120px padding.

Here is what I did in the form_load function of the master document:

If HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Admin") Then
    my_container.Visible = False
    my_stylesheet.Href = "~/path_to_file50.css"
    my_container.Visible = True
    my_stylesheet.Href = "~/path_to_file120.css"
End If

In the CSS files, I specified:

padding-top: 50px;


padding-top: 120px;

and kept the rest of the CSS rules in a separate file. Everything now appears to be functioning correctly, and by setting:

my_container.Visible = False

I should avoid Google's concern about generating impressions while on my own website.

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