Oops! Looks like there was an error: weight is not defined when trying to calculate BMI with the HTMLButtonElement

I'm currently working on a project to create a BMI calculator following specific instructions. I've managed to follow all the guidelines except one regarding the letsCalculateBMI function. The instruction states:

letsCalculateBMI should extract the selected value from the SELECT element, pass that value to a getSelectedUser function call, which in turn should return the user object corresponding to the selected value. This user object needs to be assigned to a variable called user.

I'm confused about how to make the getSelectedUser function work within the letsCalculateBMI function to retrieve the user object and assign it to the user variable.

In the computeBMI arrow function, the user parameter is immediately destructured into weight, height, and country properties for quick reference.

The current error message I'm encountering is

Uncaught ReferenceError: weight is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.letsCalculateBMI


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" 
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />

    <title>Mini App</title>


    <div class="select">
      <select class="select-text">
        <option disabled selected>Select User</option>        

    <div class="details mdc-elevation--z3">
        <span class="prop" data-age>Age :</span>
        <span class="value" data-age-value>23 years</span>
        <span class="prop" data-height>Height :</span>
        <span class="value" data-height-value>169cm</span>
        <span class="prop" data-weight>Weight :</span>
        <span class="value" data-weight-value>68kg</span>
        <span class="prop" data-gender>Gender :</span>
        <span class="value" data-gender-value>Female</span>
        <span class="prop" data-country>Country :</span>
        <span class="value" data-country-value>Nigerian</span>

    <button id="oracle" class="mdc-button" onclick="letsCalculateBMI()">
      Calculate BMI
    <div id="outcome">
      <h5 class="mdc-typography--headline5">
      <p class ="bmi-text"></p>

      const users = [];

      const countriesWithLowerBmi = ["Chad", "Sierra Leone", "Mali", "Gambia", "Uganda", "Ghana", "Senegal", "Somalia", "Ivory Coast", "Isreal"];      

      const featToMeter = 0.3048;

      const bmiCountryRatio = 0.82;

      const computeBMI = ({weight, height, country}) => {

        const heightInMeters = height * featToMeter;
        let BMI = weight / (heightInMeters^2);

       if (countriesWithLowerBmi.includes(country)) 
         BMI *= bmiCountryRatio;

       return Math.round(BMI, 2);

      const getSelectedUser = (userId) => {
        return users.find(({id}) => id === userId);

      const displaySelectedUser = ({target}) => {
        const user = getSelectedUser(target.value);
        const properties = Object.keys(user);

        properties.forEach(prop => {
          const span = document.querySelector(`span[data-${prop}-value]`);
            if(span) {
              span.textContent= user[prop];   

      const letsCalculateBMI = () => {

        const value = document.querySelector('.select-text').value;


        const user = {weight, height, country}
        const bmi = computeBMI(user);

        document.querySelector('.bmi-text').innerHTML = bmi

      const powerupTheUI = () => {
        const button = document.querySelector('#oracle');

        const select = document.querySelector('.select-text');

        select.addEventListener('change', displaySelectedUser);


      const displayUsers = (users) => {
        users.forEach(user => {
        const select = document.querySelector('.select-text');
        const option = document.createElement('option');

        option.text = user.name; 
        option.value = user.id;

      const fetchAndDisplayUsers = () => {
          age: 40,
          weight: 75,
          height: 6,
          country: 'Nigeria',
          name: 'Charles Odili',
          id: 'dfhb454768DghtF'
          age: 23,
          weight: 68,
          height: 6,
          country: 'Nigeria',
          name: 'Simpcy',
          id: 'gibb12erish'


      const startApp = () => {


Answer №1

The issue at hand is clear: the variable weight is not defined because it has not been declared (the same applies to height and country). These variables are considered as properties of the user, hence they need to be fetched from the user object that is returned by the getSelectedUser function.

One way to address this is:

user = getSelectedUser(value);
computeBMI(user.weight, user.height, user.country);

This resolution should rectify your problem, however....

To streamline the implementation in the computeBMI arrow function, the user parameter can be immediately destructured into its weight, height, and country properties.

In my viewpoint, this approach does not align with good OOP design - as all necessary information already exists within the object; there's no need for additional code to separate them.

A preferable method would be something like the following:




const computeBMI = (user) => {

    const heightInMeters = user.height * featToMeter;
    let BMI = user.weight / (heightInMeters^2);

    if (countriesWithLowerBmi.includes(user.country)) 
        BMI *= bmiCountryRatio;

    return Math.round(BMI, 2);

Answer №2

Here is the ideal code for letsCalculateBMI:

const letsCalculateBMI = () => {
        const value = document.querySelector('.select-text').value;
        const user = fetchSelectedUserData(value);      
        const bmiResult = calculateUserBMI(user);
        document.getElementById("bmi-result").innerHTML = bmiResult;

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