Maintain the expanded menu even after selecting a sub-item using jQuery

After conducting a thorough search, I was unable to find exactly what I needed.

I have successfully implemented cookies on my menu so that when the page is reloaded, it remembers which menus were open.

However, I noticed that clicking on a sub-item of Hyperlink 2 will close Hyperlink 2 entirely. Is there a way to keep it open?

This link may provide some insight.

I attempted to use the simulate click method from this source, but it did not work as expected, possibly due to incorrect placement.

While I am still fairly new to JavaScript/jQuery, I am gradually improving my skills!

Thank you

<ul class="nav">
<li><a>Hyperlink 1</a>

<li class="drop"><a>Hyperlink 2</a>

    <ul id="m1">
        <li><a href="#">Hyperlink Sub</a>

        <li><a href="#">Hyperlink Sub</a>

<li class="drop"><a>Hyperlink 3</a>

    <ul id="m2">
        <li><a href="#">Hyperlink Sub</a>

        <li><a href="#">Hyperlink Sub</a>

<li class="drop"><a>Hyperlink 4</a>

    <ul id="m3">
        <li><a href="#">Hyperlink Sub</a>

        <li><a href="#">Hyperlink Sub</a>


jQuery(function ($) {
// jQuery code in here can safely use $
$('.nav li')
    cursor: "pointer"

    .on('click', function () {
    $.cookie('open_items', 'the_value');
    openItems = new Array();
    $("li.drop").each(function (index, item) {
        if ($(item).hasClass('open')) {
    $.cookie('open_items', openItems.join(','));

if ($.cookie('open_items') && $.cookie('open_items').length > 0) {
    previouslyOpenItems = $.cookie('open_items');
    openItemIndexes = previouslyOpenItems.split(',');
    $(openItemIndexes).each(function (index, item) {

Answer №1

Prevent click event from affecting children elements:


$(".drop li a")
    .on('click', function (e) {

Answer №2

Try changing the selector for the click event to ".drop>a" and see if that resolves the issue. Make sure to adjust the way you handle the li element like shown below:

$(".drop>a").on('click', function (eventData) {
    var $listItem = $(this).closest('li');


    $.cookie('open_items', 'the_value');
    openItems = new Array();

    $("li.drop").each(function (index, item) {
        if ($(item).hasClass('open')) {
    $.cookie('open_items', openItems.join(','));

Check out the DEMO here - It shows how to keep the menu open when an inner link is clicked.

Answer №3

In order to make the click event work properly, it is recommended not to apply it directly to the .drop elements but to their children instead. You can achieve this by implementing the following structure:

<div class="drop">
   <a class="click-to-open">Click here to open</a>
         <li>Sub links etc...</li>

 $('.drop .click-to-open').click(function() {

   //toggle the open class and perform other actions if needed

   //utilize .parent() to target the .drop div


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