developing a seamless and uncomplicated banner text animation

Greetings everyone! I am diving into the world of JavaScript and recently attempted to create a banner carousel animation. Specifically, I have 3 banners in rotation where each slide reveals text with an animation effect. However, I'm encountering an issue where the animations only work for the first three slides. Once the cycle restarts and the first slide comes back in, the text on that slide fails to animate, and all subsequent slides lack animation as well.

My inspiration for these banner animations came from this website:

banner text animation inspiration.

Here is the CSS code snippet I've tried using for the animations:

@-webkit-keyframes bounceInDown {
  /* Animation keyframes here */

.bounceInDown {
  animation-name: bounceInDown;

/* Similar keyframes and classes for other animation effects */

For a clearer understanding, please refer to this JSFiddle link.

I am captivated by text animations in banners, but being new to jQuery and JS, I need guidance on how to ensure the animations appear correctly on every slide transition. Although I have crafted CSS3 animations, I find myself at a roadblock at this particular step.

Thank you, Alexander

Answer №1

If you want to create a carousel with 3 items, here's a simple method you can use. Start by creating a "master" div that will contain the other 3 divs. Each div should have an image background and text, and utilize javascript animation for the text. You can then slide the 3 divs like this:

//function to slide the divs
$(document).ready(function() {
 var counter = 1;
 function change(){
      //Change the 3 divs inside the master div
      if(counter == 0){
     }else if(counter == 1){
     }else if(counter == 2){
         counter = 1;

//every 6 seconds
setInterval(change, 6000);

In your CSS, make sure to set d2 and d3 as invisible initially so you can show and hide them using the provided javascript code.

Does this meet your requirements?

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