Detecting Triple Taps on Mobile Devices

I've been trying to incorporate a triple-tap escape feature similar to The Trevor Project's Website. It functions flawlessly on laptops and desktops with a mouse. However, I'm struggling to detect the triple tap on mobile browsers because they interpret it as a double-tap after the first two taps, causing them to zoom in and miss registering the third tap. Despite attempting various implementations involving preventDefault() and setTimeout(), I haven't found a solution. I've spent countless hours researching and testing different fixes without success.

Just so you know, I am aware of the option to disable double-tap zoom using touch-action: manipulation in CSS, but this doesn't work on newer versions of Safari iOS, and I need this feature to be universally supported across all browsers.

Below is a snippet of the code before any attempts were made to resolve the issue. The click part works fine, but the tap version does not.

        window.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
            if (event.detail === 3) {

        window.addEventListener('touchstart', function (event) {
            if (event.detail === 3) {

I'm running out of ideas, can anyone provide a solution for this problem?

Answer №1

In order to maintain the integrity of all events, my recommendation is to refrain from modifying or adjusting them. Instead, focus on tracking the number of clicks/taps and resetting if the user takes too long during the third interaction. Here's an example of how the code could be structured:

let clickCount = 0;

// Display click count on screen
const clicksDisplay = document.getElementById("clicks");

function resetClicks(seconds){
    clickCount = 0;

// Event listener for clicks (can be applied to any event listener)
window.addEventListener('click', function () {
  clickCount += 1;
  clicksDisplay.textContent = clickCount;
  if (clickCount === 3) {
    clickCount = 0;
    clicksDisplay.textContent = 'Third Click!';
  } else if(clickCount == 2){
    // Define the seconds to wait before resetting
 //Example display text
<span id="clicks">0</span>

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