Change the image displayed when hovering over the div containing it

I've come to a roadblock while attempting to change an image when hovering over its containing div.

I could achieve this using CSS, but I have 6 divs with 6 images inside them. If I were to use CSS, I'd need 6 sets of hover events to swap the background image. I'm looking for the simplest code possible to accomplish this.

Currently, the images are not set as background images but as <img src>

All hover images have the same name but with 'over' added into the file name.

For example: shop.png shopover.png Is there a way to dynamically append the 'over' part to the img src file name when hovering over its container div?


<div class="row">

         <a href="index.php?page=exhibitorlist&id=1"> <div class="c2 center"><img src="images/eliquid.png"><h2 class="center">Juice Brands</h2></div></a>
           <a href="index.php?page=exhibitorlist&id=2"> <div class="c2 center"><img src="images/mod.png"><h2 class="center">Hardware</h2></div></a>              
          <a href="index.php?page=exhibitorlist&id=3"><div class="c2 center"><img src="images/dist.png"><h2 class="center">Distributors</h2></div></a>
          <a href="index.php?page=exhibitorlist&id=4"><div class="c2 center on"><img src="images/shop.png"/><h2 class="center">Retailers</h2></div></a>              
          <a href="index.php?page=exhibitorlist&id=5"><div class="c2 center"><img src="images/robot.png"><h2 class="center">Machinery / Packaging</h2></div></a>
          <a href="index.php?page=exhibitorlist&id=6"><div class="c2 center"><img src="images/other.png"><h2 class="center">Other</h2></div></a>       


#exhibitorcontainer {
background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
background:url(../images/bg2.png) repeat;
#exhibitorcontainer .c2 {
margin: 0 5px;
width: 15.8%;
background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
#exhibitorcontainer h2 {
color: #1b9bff;
#exhibitorcontainer .c2:hover h2 {

Currently, I switch the H2 text color from blue to grey on hover. I'm looking for ideas on how to accomplish the same for the image. Any suggestions on the best approach to do this?

Answer №1

An easy method is to incorporate two images in your design:

<div class="section central">
  <img src="images/distance.png" class="default-image">
  <img src="images/distance-over.png" class="hovered-image">
  <h2 class="central">Distances</h2>

Then, apply the following CSS:

.hovered-image, .section:hover .default-image {
  display: none;

.section:hover .hovered-image {
  display: block;

Answer №2

To easily change an image using JavaScript, follow the code below:

Here is the HTML image code:

<img src="images/click.png" onmouseover="ic()" id="myImage"/>

JavaScript function to change the image:

function ic(){

Now, when you hover over the image, the JavaScript function will be called to change the image. If you want the image to revert back when not hovered over, use the same script for the reverse effect.

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