Detecting click events in D3 for multiple SVG elements within a single webpage

My webpage includes two SVG images inserted using D3.js. I am able to add click events to the SVGs that are directly appended to the body. However, I have encountered an issue with another "floating" div positioned above the first SVG, where I append a different SVG. When attempting to add click events to this setup, they do not trigger.

I also experimented with tracking mouse positions, but this only worked for the SVG appended to the body as well.

Is there a method to assign click listeners to the rect elements inside the "floating" div?

You can view the fiddle here: JsFiddle

The challenge is to toggle the color between black and white when clicking on a rect element at the top of the page. How can this be achieved?

I also attempted to use jQuery for a solution...

It's worth noting that hovering over the second SVG allows you to drag and zoom in on the first one, which is not the desired behavior.

Answer №1

An updated and improved JsFiddle has been created to showcase the use of class toggling for achieving a desired effect. Check out the following Javascript snippet:

    .classed("highlight", function(d, i) { return data[i] === "none"; })
    .on("click", function() {"highlight", !"highlight"));

In addition, previous style settings that set elements to white on lines 68 and 79 have been commented out. CSS rules have been added to handle black and white fills based on toggling of the highlight class. The css rule pointer-events: none which previously blocked mouse events on the control bar has also been removed for better functionality.

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