Is there a way to stop TinyMCE from adding CDATA to <script> elements and from commenting out <style> elements?

Setting aside the concerns surrounding allowing <script> content within a Web editor, I am fully aware of them.

What I am interested in is permitting <style> and <script> elements within the text content. However, every time I attempt to do so in TinyMCE, it automatically changes them to:

<style><!-- th{width:80px} --></style>

and for script content, it alters it to:

<script>// <![CDATA[
// ]]></script>

In my TinyMCE initialization configuration, I have the following settings:

valid_elements : "*[*]",
extended_valid_elements : "*[*],script[charset|defer|language|src|type],style",
custom_elements: "*[*],script[charset|defer|language|src|type],style",
valid_children : "+body[style],+body[script]",
verify_html : false,
media_strict: false

Despite these settings, I am struggling to find a solution that prevents TinyMCE from deactivating the <style> and <script> elements.

Answer №1

I highly recommend refraining from directly customizing third-party libraries whenever possible. Instead, I implemented a custom node filter on the editor's serializer during initialization by including the following in the configuration object passed to the tinymce construction call:

init_instance_callback : function(editor) {
    // jw: this code is heavily borrowed from tinymce.jquery.js:12231 but modified so that it will
    //     just remove the escaping and not add it back.
    editor.serializer.addNodeFilter('script,style', function(nodes, name) {
        var i = nodes.length, node, value, type;

        function trim(value) {
            /*jshint maxlen:255 */
            /*eslint max-len:0 */
            return value.replace(/(<!--\[CDATA\[|\]\]-->)/g, '\n')
                    .replace(/^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]*$/g, '')
                    .replace(/^\s*((<!--)?(\s*\/\/)?\s*<!\[CDATA\[|(<!--\s*)?\/\*\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\*\/|(\/\/)?\s*<!--|\/\*\s*<!--\s*\*\/)\s*[\r\n]*/gi, '')
                    .replace(/\s*(\/\*\s*\]\]>\s*\*\/(-->)?|\s*\/\/\s*\]\]>(-->)?|\/\/\s*(-->)?|\]\]>|\/\*\s*-->\s*\*\/|\s*-->\s*)\s*$/g, '');
        while (i--) {
            node = nodes[i];
            value = node.firstChild ? node.firstChild.value : '';

            if (value.length > 0) {
                node.firstChild.value = trim(value);

Hopefully this solution will benefit others facing similar challenges.

Answer №2

To modify the tinymce.min.js, you can experiment with different lines of code.

,f.addNodeFilter("script,style",function(e,t){function n(e){return e.replace(/(<!--\[CDATA\[|\]\]-->)/g,"\n").replace(/^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]*$/g,"").replace(/^\s*((<!--)?(\s*\/\/)?\s*<!\[CDATA\[|(<!--\s*)?\/\*\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\*\/|(\/\/)?\s*<!--|\/\*\s*<!--\s*\*\/)\s*[\r\n]*/gi,"").replace(/\s*(\/\*\s*\]\]>\s*\*\/(-->)?|\s*\/\/\s*\]\]>(-->)?|\/\/\s*(-->)?|\]\]>|\/\*\s*-->\s*\*\/|\s*-->\s*)\s*$/g,"")}for(var r=e.length,i,o,a;r--;)i=e[r],o=i.firstChild?i.firstChild.value:"","script"===t?(a=i.attr("type"),a&&i.attr("type","mce-no/type"==a?null:a.replace(/^mce\-/,"")),o.length>0&&(i.firstChild.value="// <![CDATA[\n"+n(o)+"\n// ]]>")):o.length>0&&(i.firstChild.value="<!--\n"+n(o)+"\n-->")}),f.addNodeFilter("#comment",function(e){for(var t=e.length,n;t--;)n=e[t],0===n.value.indexOf("[CDATA[")?("#cdata",n.type=4,n.value=n.value.replace(/^\[CDATA\[|\]\]$/g,"")):0===n.value.indexOf("mce:protected ")&&("#text",n.type=3,n.raw=!0,n.value=unescape(n.value).substr(14))})

If needed, feel free to delete or adjust any lines in the provided code snippet above.

Answer №3

After storing tinymce content, it is important to sanitize the output by removing certain tags. Here’s an example of how you can achieve this:

$sanitizedOutput = str_replace(array("// <![CDATA[", "// ]]>"), array("", ""), $_POST['tinymceContent']);

Once the output is sanitized, proceed to save it in the database.

Answer №4

In my experience, I found success by deleting the code that disables script tag formatting:

If (o.length > 0 && i.firstChild.value = "//<![CDATA[\n" + n(o) + "\n//]]>")

Additionally, to format the style tag, it's recommended to remove:

&&(i.firstChild.value = "<!--\n" + n(o) + "\n-->")

Answer №5

To prevent tinymce from recognizing style and script tags, consider using &lt; instead of <.

Here is an example:

For style:


For script:


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