Designing a drop-down selection interface

I need assistance with my code. My goal is to have a blue border that appears 10 px below the text when hovered over. Additionally, I have a submenu that opens on hover, but it automatically closes when trying to navigate down to the submenu since there is no longer a hover on the li element. I tried adding height: 50px to fix this issue, but it caused the blue border to go under the submenu and made the arrows in the right center position look unattractive when hovered over. Can someone please provide guidance on how to allow mouse movement on the submenu while keeping the blue border in place?

Answer №1

There is an issue with the spacing between ul and li elements that is causing a break in the :hover functionality. Removing top and bottom margins as well as the top: 51px; rule will allow access to the drop-down menu.

To prevent the mouse from exiting the element, consider using paddings instead of margins.

While using JavaScript may make this task easier, achieving the desired outcome with pure CSS is not impossible.

EDIT The blinking appears to be occurring only between the blue line and the sub li. Keep in mind the following rule:

#top-menu-wrapper #menu ul li:hover

This rule affects all descendant li elements, so you may need to split it into two rules to target only the direct children. The first rule would be:

#top-menu-wrapper #menu > ul > li:hover

Answer №2

It is recommended to utilize jQuery for creating the animation effect. When a user hovers over the blue element, ensure that you verify if the sub-menu is already open. If it is not open, then proceed to open it. However, if the sub-menu is already displayed, there is no need to take any further action.


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