Issue with jQuery .hover() not functioning as expected

The issue I'm encountering is just as described in the title. The code functions correctly on all divs except for one!

var panelHH = $(".file-select-wrapper").innerHeight;

    $(".file-select-wrapper").stop(1).show().height(0).animate({height: panelHH},500);
}, function(){
    $(".file-select-wrapper").stop(1).animate({height: 0},500, function(){

Edit: html.

<!DOCTYPE html>
// CSS and script references

<body oncontextmenu="return false;">
<div id = "frameAsWhole">
<div class ="item-frame">
                <div class = "box1">
    <div class = "infoPane">

                    <div class = "area-frame">
                        <div class = "desktop-box">
                            // Other HTML elements
                    <div class = "taskbar-wrap">
                        <div class = "taskbar">
                            <div class = "files-button">
                                 // Content inside files-button
                                <tr class = "taskbar-items">
                                    // Taskbar items
                            <div class = "search-wrapper">
                                <input type="textarea" class ="search-bar">
                                <div class = "computer-search">
Lines 1 to 5 are functioning properly, but anything beyond that isn't working when targeting .complete-wrapper-1. Every other element works fine unless it's the specific div I intend to apply the .hover() function to.

Answer №1

My code was almost there, but not quite 100% functional. The issue turned out to be related to the z-index in my CSS code, which was preventing the element from being accessible by the mouse and therefore preventing the event from triggering. It's like trying to grab someone's heart with your hand after googling x-ray images - it's just not going to work.

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