Customizing Your WooCommerce Storefront: Tips for Enhancing Your Product Catalog and Minimizing White Space

Lately, I've been working on enabling a product filter in the left sidebar of my Woocommerce theme. However, I have noticed that the layout is not quite how I would like it to be.

Take a look at this image that shows the changes I am aiming for.

Currently, there is too much space to the left of the sidebar, and I want it to align closely with the left side of the browser window. Additionally, there is unnecessary white space to the right of the product catalogue, and I wish for the catalogue to extend all the way to the right side of the browser window.

I also want to move the "Clothing" header and its content further up the page so that it lines up with or falls just below the "Home>Clothing navigation."

Despite my efforts to adjust the CSS by inspecting the code on the page, I have not been successful in achieving the desired changes yet.

Answer №1

Insert the following snippet into your theme's functions.php file:

add_action('wp_footer', 'adjust_full_width');

function adjust_full_width(){
    echo '<style>.col-full{max-width:75% !important;}</style>';

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