Customizing TinyMCE's font style menu options

Our platform utilizes TinyMCE as in-place editors to allow users to make live edits to content. However, a challenge arises when using a dark background with light text, as TinyMCE defaults to using this text color rather than black.

(Please note: the theme colors are not final and are used for demonstration purposes only.)

Is there a way for the font styles menu to display black font color instead of the one specified in the content?

Answer №1

Check out the preview_styles setting in TinyMCE's configuration:

You have the option to disable all preview styles by using:

preview_styles: false

...or you can specify which styles to include in the preview with a string like this:

preview_styles: 'font-size font-weight'

The default set of styles for TinyMCE 6 includes:

font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-decoration text-transform color background-color border border-radius outline text-shadow

You are free to choose any combination of these values if you prefer to use a string parameter.

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