Customizing Checkbox Appearance in Laravel Form

I am currently utilizing the Laravel Forms package for generating form elements and integrating the Bootstrap Material design library to enhance the appearance of these elements.

Check out the library here:

While working with Checkboxes, I've encountered an issue where the style is not being applied as desired. Instead of displaying a checkbox with material design, it appears as a normal checkbox.

Here's the code snippet from my Laravel view:

{!! Form::checkbox('remember', 1, null, ['id'=>'remember', 'class' => 'checkbox']) !!}
{!! Form::label('remember', 'Remember me') !!}

Interestingly, when I use direct HTML code instead of the above Laravel code, the styling works perfectly fine. Below is the functioning code snippet:

  <div class="checkbox">
      <input name="remember" type="checkbox"> Remember me

How can I adjust my Laravel Forms code to output the desired HTML structure?

Answer №1

The design of the checkbox can be modified using the CSS selector input[type="checkbox"] rather than relying on a specific checkbox class.

To customize the checkbox appearance, you can define a CSS rule like this:

.custom-checkbox {}

This will allow you to apply styling specifically to checkboxes.

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