Customize your AutoComplete with MUI styling

Upon taking over a project, I found myself working with material ui for the first time. Here is an excerpt from my code:

<FormControl fullWidth>
        onChange={(e) => {

This setup works well everywhere, with the label shrinking and styles being applied correctly. However, when inspecting the code, I noticed that the underline is styled using :before and :after pseudo classes.

Now, I need to apply similar styling to an Autocomplete component which uses Google Places to autocomplete locations. Specifically, I am working with the react-google-autocomplete library for this purpose.

I have attempted several methods, including:

const {ref} = usePlacesWidget({
    apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY,
    onPlaceSelected: (place) => {

return (

    <FormControl fullWidth>

            renderInput={(params) => (
                        className: {className}

Despite the attempts, the label does not shrink as expected. I even tried adding:

  shrink: true,

without success.

The text field displays the correct size and font style but lacks any pseudo-class styling, featuring the default outline style instead.

I aim to replicate the appearance of the other text fields in the initial code snippet by applying the passed className. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

On a related note, when attempting the following:

const {ref} = usePlacesWidget({
    apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY,
    onPlaceSelected: (place) => {

return (
<FormControl fullWidth>


The component receives styling, although the search functionality fails to work. This outcome was somewhat anticipated, but it would be beneficial to find a resolution for this issue as well.

Answer №1

It's difficult to pinpoint the exact issue without a provided code sandbox, but after reviewing the documentation, it seems that the problem may be related to not forwarding refs to the custom input component. You can refer to the following link for more information:

The examples from MUI always utilize the TextField.

Additionally, based on my observations, the documentation for react-google-autocomplete does not include any examples resembling the way you are attempting to implement it. For reference, you can check out this link:

Answer №2

This solution may not be perfect, and I have not verified it with an actual API key as I do not possess one at the moment. Essentially, you can utilize the slots and slotsProps properties within the <Input> MUI component to integrate the <Autocomplete> component in place of the default <input> slot. Here is an example:

          slots={{ input: Autocomplete }}
          slotProps={{ input: { apiKey: API_KEY, className: inputClasses } }}

However, a drawback of this approach is that the default input styles are not automatically applied to the <Autocomplete>. To work around this issue, you can manually copy the className from the default <input> element provided by the MUI <Input> component like so:

  const hiddenInputRef = useRef(null);
  const [inputClasses, setInputClasses] = useState("");

  useEffect(() => {
    setInputClasses([...hiddenInputRef.current.classList].join(" "));
      <Input style={{ display: "none" }} inputRef={hiddenInputRef} />

Here is a snippet of the minimum required code:

import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import {
} from "@mui/material";
import Autocomplete from "react-google-autocomplete";

function App() {
  const API_KEY = "xxx";
  const [id, setId] = useState("inputId");
  const hiddenInputRef = useRef(null);
  const [inputClasses, setInputClasses] = useState("");

  useEffect(() => {
    setInputClasses([...hiddenInputRef.current.classList].join(" "));
  return (
      <FormControl fullWidth>
        <InputLabel htmlFor={id}>label</InputLabel>
          slots={{ input: Autocomplete }}
          slotProps={{ input: { apiKey: API_KEY, className: inputClasses } }}
      <Input style={{ display: "none" }} inputRef={hiddenInputRef} />

export default App;

Please note that I have not tested this setup with a working API key, so it is advisable to validate it using a legitimate API key before implementation.

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