Use HTML to showcase an image that dynamically changes based on the outcome of a query function

Hello there,

I hope my inquiry is clear enough. I apologize for reaching out as I am unsure where to begin and what exactly I should be focusing on.

Currently, I have an image displayed in an HTML page like this:

<div id="tag_sunrise_sunset"><p><img src="assets/icons/sun_icon.png" alt="" width="14" height="14">&#8593; 06:25 &#8595; 20:33</p></div>

Additionally, I am invoking the following function every half second:

* Obtains the most recent data from the database
// Global variables
var AutoScript = false;
var ValueCheck = -1;
var ControlUpdate = "";      
var ThermostatManualUpdate = false; 
var DebugMode = false;

function getDataFromDatabase(j)
    var complete = false;
    var json=$.parseJSON(j);
    var techname = "";
    var techname1 = "";
    var valuetf;
    var typecomp;
    var value01;
    var c;
    var w;


    if (DebugMode)
        console.log ("k = " + k);
        console.log ("v = " + v);
        console.log ("----------------");

    switch (k)
        case "tech_name":
        techname = v;
        techname1 = "#" + v;

        case "value_t_f":
        valuetf = v;

        case "compo_type":
        typecomp = parseInt(v);
        complete = true;


    if (complete)
        if (DebugMode)
            console.log ("My name is " + techname + " (" + techname1 + ")" + " I am of type " + typecomp + " and my value is " + valuetf);
        complete = false;               

        // Component types              
        // Note: simplified structure of the if statements [check ? value_if_true : value_if_false;]

        if (c===null)           
            if (DebugMode)
                console.log("Component " + techname + " does not exist");
            switch (typecomp)
                case 1:         
                case 2:         
                    (valuetf > 0) ? value01 = 1 : value01 = 0;                      
                    (c.checked) ? w = 1 : w = 0;

                    if (value01 != w)
                    (value01 == 0) ? uncheckBox(techname1) : checkBox(techname1);

                case 3:        

                case 4:        

                case 5:        

                case 6:       
                var ctrl = techname;
                document.getElementById(ctrl).value = valuetf;

                c.value = valuetf;

                case 7:          


My intention is to display a different image based on the value of the variable 'w'. Is there a straightforward way to accomplish this using Ajax, or is it not suitable for this purpose?

Apologies if this question seems trivial, but I find myself at a standstill. Also, I acknowledge that there are likely areas for improvement in my code, but please bear with me as this is my first venture into the CSS/HTML/Javascript realm.

Thank you very much for your time and assistance.

Answer №1

There are a variety of methods you could use for this task, depending on your specific needs. One option is to send an AJAX request to fetch the URL of an image and then update the src attribute of your image element with this new URL. However, it might be more efficient in this scenario to have both images already loaded in your HTML code and simply switch their visibility using JavaScript based on the 'w' state. This approach can provide a quicker response time for users.

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