Customize the Underline Color in MaterialUI Select Component

I'm experimenting with MaterialUI and trying to figure out how to customize the underline and text color of the Select component when an item is selected. Currently, the underline and label appear blue after selection with a gray background. Is there a way to change these colors?

I checked the documentation here but couldn't find an underline CSS API option, so I'm not sure where to make these style changes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

If you want to customize the appearance of your theme, the best approach is to create a custom theme using the theme provider as outlined in the documentation found Themes Provider.

For more specific styling changes on individual components, you can utilize the override feature explained here.

I recommend starting with your own custom theme where you only need to modify the styles that you wish to change, while retaining the default styles for everything else.

Answer №2

If you're in a rush and looking for a quick and simple solution, consider implementing a rule in your CSS that utilizes fuzzy class selectors.


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