Customize the appearance of the search box in Serverside Datatables

Is there a way to adjust the search and show inputs for datatables so that I can customize their width and make them fit my dynamic column sizing? The issue I ran into is that these inputs are enclosed within <label> tags in the source JavaScript, and removing the label tags causes the input to disappear. Is there a proper way to remove the label tags without losing the input?

This snippet from the source JavaScript file showcases the problematic section:

function pb(a) {
        var b = a.oClasses,
            c = a.sTableId,
            d = a.oLanguage,
            e = a.oPreviousSearch,
            f = a.aanFeatures,
            g = '<input type="search" class="' + b.sFilterInput + '"/>',
            j = d.sSearch,
            j = j.match(/_INPUT_/) ? j.replace("_INPUT_", g) : j + g,
            b = h("<div/>", {
                id: !f.f ? c + "_filter" : null,
                "class": b.sFilter
            f = function() {
                var b = !this.value ?
                    "" : this.value;
                b != e.sSearch && (fa(a, {
                    sSearch: b,
                    bRegex: e.bRegex,
                    bSmart: e.bSmart,
                    bCaseInsensitive: e.bCaseInsensitive
                }), a._iDisplayStart = 0, O(a))
            g = null !== a.searchDelay ? a.searchDelay : "ssp" === y(a) ? 400 : 0,
            i = h("input", b).val(e.sSearch).attr("placeholder", d.sSearchPlaceholder).bind("keyup.DT search.DT input.DT paste.DT cut.DT", g ? Oa(f, g) : f).bind("keypress.DT", function(a) {
                if (13 == a.keyCode) return !1
            }).attr("aria-controls", c);
        h(a.nTable).on("search.dt.DT", function(b, c) {
            if (a === c) try {
                i[0] !== I.activeElement && i.val(e.sSearch)
            } catch (d) {}
        return b[0]

The initial code when the page loads is as follows:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
        <div id="table_filter" class="dataTables_filter pull-left">
                <input type="search" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Search" aria-controls="table">

As seen above, the search input is nested under a label tag. If you have any suggestions on how to detach it from the label to match column sizes appropriately, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

Follow the instructions below to eliminate the label tag from the search field.

let table = $('#example').DataTable({
   initComplete: function(){
      $('.dataTables_filter label').children().unwrap('<label/>');

View this code snippet and demonstration for reference.

Answer №2

After a considerable amount of time, I am here to address your query.

To customize the source file datatables.min.js, start by beautifying it and then locate the elements for ssearch and ssearchplaceholder found at line 3469.

The original settings are as follows:

sSearch: 'Search:',
sSearchPlaceholder: "",

I have made adjustments to:

sSearch: '',
sSearchPlaceholder: "Αναζήτηση:",

This modification removes the label and displays "Αναζήτηση:" in the placeholder field.

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