The website functions perfectly on a local server, but once it's uploaded, the images fail

My website is functioning properly on my computer, however, after uploading it to the server, I noticed that some of the links are not appearing. Upon inspecting these links through developer tools, it shows an image size of 'Natural 1 X 1' despite the actual size being 192 X 122 pixels. The images are clearly uploaded and visible on the server. Here is an example of one of the problematic links:

<img src="img/ads/Christie_Lamb_WJO_Advertisement_TN.jpg"/>

On the other hand, there are links from different folders that are working perfectly fine, like this one:

<img src="img/website_tn/Murray_Raine_Puppets_Website_TN.jpg">

If you'd like to view the problematic page online, you can do so by visiting:

I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you!

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is most likely due to adblocker software. It is recommended to steer clear of any directories with names containing ad/advert when transferring images.

I personally had success resolving the problem by disabling adblock on your website.

Answer №2

Do you have any ad blockers enabled?

Sometimes, ad blockers can prevent images from loading if they are stored in a folder labeled ads or something similar.

I noticed that when I disable my ad blocker, the images on your website appear properly.

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