Customize the appearance of radio buttons with unique colored outer and inner circles

I am in need of creating a MUI radio button that features a unique outer ring color compared to the selected inner fill color.

Although I have reviewed the official documentation, it appears that customization options only allow for changing the color as a whole or using custom icons within the element itself.

Could there be an obvious styling solution that I'm overlooking, or is achieving this seemingly simple task more complex than anticipated?

Answer №1

To achieve a unique look with the ring and inner fill, I utilized the :after and :before pseudo-elements. In this instance, I experimented with a green border and red inner fill:

      color: "green",
      "&.Mui-checked": {
        position: "relative",
        "&::before": {
          content: '""',
          position: "absolute",
          top: "50%",
          left: "50%",
          transform: "translate(-50%, -50%)",
          width: "10px",
          height: "10px",
          borderRadius: "50%",
          backgroundColor: "white"
        "&::after": {
          content: '""',
          position: "absolute",
          top: "50%",
          left: "50%",
          transform: "translate(-50%, -50%)",
          width: "10px",
          height: "10px",
          borderRadius: "50%",
          backgroundColor: "red",
          opacity: 1,
        "&.Mui-checked::after": {
          opacity: 1

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