Cursor or caret bleeding through overlay on Internet Explorer

Currently, I am working on a pre-existing website called When using Internet Explorer, if you navigate to the products menu, select the search box, and then scroll down so that the search field goes underneath the menu overlay that appears, the search field remains hidden under the overlay while the cursor continues to blink in the location of the hidden input field. This issue seems to only occur in Internet Explorer. Additionally, both the search function and product display are within an iframe. It's possible that this behavior is due to a bug/feature specific to Internet Explorer, depending on whether you view it as a user or from Microsoft's perspective.

Answer №1

I am a member of the Internet Explorer team, and I want to clarify that we do not consider this behavior to be intentional. It is actually a bug that we are looking into fixing as soon as possible. Your question and website have been added to our internal list for further review by the team.

As a temporary solution, you may want to check for the document.documentMode property and implement some code to prevent Internet Explorer from displaying the caret over other elements. The code snippet below utilizes jQuery's $ method to create a one-time handler during an element's .onFocus event and remove it during the window's .onScroll event:

if ( document.documentMode && document.documentMode < 12 ) {
    $( document ).on( "focus", ":input", function ( event ) {
        $( window ).one( "scroll", function () {

You can see the results in action here:

We are actively working on resolving this issue, but in the meantime, I hope this workaround proves helpful to you.

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