Contrast in spacing: comparing display block versus inline-block

Today, I stumbled upon something quite intriguing that has left me puzzled.

Consider the following HTML:

<div class="a"><div class="b"></div></div>

And CSS:

.a {
    background: blue;

.b {
    height: 30px;
    width: 30px;
    background: red;

One would anticipate the outer "a" div to be exactly as tall as required to contain "b", which is 30px. However, when rendered, "a" measures 35px in height. There seems to be a gap of 5 pixels below "b". What could be causing this discrepancy?

View the example here: I've tested this on both Chrome and Firefox, and they produce the same result.

Interestingly, changing "b" to display:block eliminates the extra space at the bottom. Can someone shed light on why these two scenarios yield different outcomes? Why does inline-block result in 5px of additional space?


Even more surprisingly, altering the HTML to

<div class="a"><div class="b">x</div></div>

Where only the single character "x" is placed in the b div, removes the extra 5px at the bottom!

Answer №1

The visible vertical gap is a result of the line-height property at play here. By applying line-height: 0 to the parent element, you can observe that the space disappears - check out this demo:

If you are dealing with inline-block elements but still want them to behave like block-level elements, make sure to set both font-size and line-height to 0.

Answer №2

Inline block elements typically display white space, which is a normal behavior. To eliminate this white space, adjust the font size of the parent container to 0px.


Check out the Fiddle for more information!

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