CSS:Tips for removing borders with border-radius in CSS

I have a div that has been styled with a left-hand border, and it's causing me some trouble. You can view the styling here on Jsfiddle.

Is there a way to remove just the left hand side border without affecting the rest of the design or creating an unattractive curved radius?

Can this be achieved using CSS alone, or would I need to resort to a hack? Am I being too particular in wanting this level of customization?

Thank you kindly,

- Harley

Answer №1

-webkit-border-radius: 0;
-moz-border-radius: 0;
border-radius: 0;

Use this code to remove any border radius settings on elements.

Answer №2

Does this meet your requirements?

border-radius: 0px 6px 6px 0px;

Answer №3

Today I learned

border-top-left-radius: 8px 8px;

exists as a CSS property

Answer №4

To eliminate the border, simply add this code: border: 0px;

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