Arrange a pair of div containers side by side on the webpage without the need to alter the existing

Is there a way to align these two div side by side?

<div class="main_one">
  <div class="number_one">Title A</div>
<div class="main_two">
  <div class="number_two">Title B</div>
<div class="main_three">
  <div class="number_three">Title C</div>
<div class="main_four">
  <div class="number_four">Title D</div>

Currently, Title A and Title B are displayed one on top of the other.

I would like to have them appear next to each other without altering the structure of main_three and main_four. This alignment must be achieved using only CSS, with no changes made to the HTML code.

Your suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

<div class="main_one">
    <div class="number one">Title A</div>
<div class="main_two">
    <div class="number two">Title B</div>

<div class="main_three">
    <div class="number one">Title C</div>
<div class="main_four">
    <div class="number two">Title D</div>

<style type="text/css">




Answer №2

It has been mentioned in other responses that using flex on the body or floats can work well.

Another option is to utilize inline-block

.main_two {
  display: inline-block;
  <div class="main_one">
    <div class="number one">Title A</div>
  <div class="main_two">
    <div class="number two">Title B</div>

Answer №3

If you find yourself with just one child in the parent of two:

  <div class="main_one">
    <div class="number one">Title A</div>
  <div class="main_two">
    <div class="number two">Title B</div>

Consider using Flexbox

body {
  display: flex;


To have only two of the four boxes aligned on the same line, I suggest using the property inline:

.main_one, .main_two {
  display: inline; /* or */
  display: inline-block

Answer №4

To achieve this effect, one method is to change the display property to inline as demonstrated below:

.main_one, .main_two,
.number_one, .number_two {
  display: inline;

For a more concise and imaginative solution, you could utilize the following CSS code which will set everything to display inline:

body * {
  display: inline;

UPDATE: The information below is no longer applicable.

Additionally, please note that there is a missing closing square bracket tag in one of the divs:

<div class="main_one">
  <div class="number one">Title A</div>
<div class="main_two">
  <div class="number two">Title B</div <------------ HERE

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