CSS3 translate3D causing input element glitches on Android Webkit

I am encountering some challenges with the Input element in a Webkit Android application that I am currently working on. While testing on version 2.X, it seems that version 3.x does not exhibit these same issues...

The structure of the app involves individual Divs for each "page", and I am utilizing CSS3 translate3D for page transitions. Some of these pages contain Input elements. When I tap on an input to focus, any of my "position:fixed" Divs will shift approximately 5px from the top and left. Interestingly, this issue resolves itself eventually and does not reoccur upon subsequent taps on an input field; it only occurs the first time...

Another issue I am facing is related to the behavior of Input elements with keyboards. For example, spell corrections/autocomplete do not work when entering text, and when using the Swype Keyboard, swiping to input words is not possible, as only individual taps for each letter are registered by the Input element.

I have come across suggestions that these problems may be attributed to CSS3 Translate3D. Despite trying various solutions and scouring numerous resources, I have been unable to find a resolution or encounter others experiencing the same issues...

Have you faced similar challenges or know of potential solutions?

(Potential Solution??) Is there a way to override the default behavior of Input elements in the webkit? I am considering whether creating my own TextView and positioning it over the input fields could be a viable workaround...

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated :)

Answer №1

My encounters with this issue have been primarily within my android applications. It appears that translate3d significantly impacts z-index, and given that android lacks hardware acceleration pre-ICS, utilizing translate3d is problematic on android 2.x. Resorting to the traditional translate() method results in lackluster performance. As a result, I tend to avoid implementing extensive animations on android 2.x devices.

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