I'm having trouble getting jquery css to function properly in my situation

I am trying to implement a fallback for the use of calc() in my CSS using jQuery


width: calc(100% - 90px);

However, when I tried running the code below, it seems like the second css() function is not executing. I suspect that there might be an issue but I am unable to figure it out.


var paxWidth = '-' + ($('.pax').width() + 10) + 'px';
console.log(paxWidth); // this returns -90px
$('.datetime,.placeholder').css('width','100%').css('width', paxWidth);

Answer №1

Adjusting width using the css method more than once will simply overwrite the previous value. To achieve a width of 100% - 90px, you must calculate this difference in pixels and apply the result.

Keep in mind, a percentage width of 100% is calculated relative to the parent container. Therefore, for an accurate calculation for 100%, use the following code:

var paxWidth = $('.pax').width() + 10;
$('.datetime, .placeholder').css('width', function() {
    var parentWidth = $(this).parent().width();
    return parentWidth - paxWidth;

See a Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/02cxqpzq/

Update: After reviewing another similar answer, it appears that a simpler solution exists:

$('.datetime, .placeholder').css('width', '100%').css('width', '-=90px');

See Updated Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/02cxqpzq/1/

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