CSS styles within the component are not being scoped as intended

Here is my form component code:

            <input placeholder="Recipe Name">
            <textarea placeholder="Recipe Description..." rows="10"></textarea>

export default {
    name: 'AddRecipeForm'

<style scoped>
form {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

The <style> block has the scoped attribute.

Despite having the scoped attribute, the CSS styles are not being applied. However, when I remove the scoped attribute, the styles work as expected.

I would like to keep the CSS local to this component. Can you explain why the styles are not working with the scoped attribute present?

Answer №1

Resolved by performing a full reload of the page to address the issue with scoped CSS.

For those encountering this in the future, one common scenario is when scoped CSS fails to apply to a child component. This can be rectified by utilizing deep selectors. For example, employing a

.selector >>> .desired-selector {}

UPDATE: Given ongoing interest in this topic, I am incorporating my commentary into the solution. The use of ::v-deep may also prove effective depending on your preprocessor.

Update for Vue 3

With the stability and extensive release of Vue 3, refer to the Vue 3 documentation for deep selectors at: https://vuejs.org/api/sfc-css-features.html#scoped-css

Specifically, the syntax now involves: :deep(.some-class). Furthermore, there are new features detailed in the provided documentation link.

Answer №2

During the initial addition of scoped styles to a component, they may not be applied in real-time during hot reload. However, performing a full page reload resolves this issue and allows the styles to be properly detected and updated with subsequent hot reloads.

Answer №3

Experiencing identical symptoms to the original poster, but none of the suggestions provided have proven effective so far. In order to proceed, we have decided to rely on CSS selectors as our solution:

  • Assign a unique class name to the top-level element beneath <template>
  • Prepending all scoped (non-global) selectors with this unique class name

An unexpected yet positive outcome when troubleshooting our CSS live is that it now clearly identifies the source of the CSS rule in devtools.


    <v-card class="MyComponent" ... >
        <div class="fancyBox" ... >
         /* ... */

    .MyComponent .fancyBox { /* scoped to any MyComponent instance */ }
    .globalBox { /* we wouldn't put a global style here, obviously */ }

Yes, it can be tedious to prefix component-scoped styles in this manner, but at least it is a familiar practice and provides the added benefit of easily tracing a style back to its declaring component in devtools.

It's important to note that parent-scoped CSS will also affect child scopes, which aligns with standard CSS behavior.

Answer №4

By utilizing the 'yarn serve' command, I was able to resolve the issue with the Vue App.

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