Implementing a Fixed Navbar in VueJS on Scroll

I am seeking help with creating a Fixed Navbar on Scrolling using Vue.js.

I initially wrote some jQuery code for this functionality, but now I want to transition it to Vue.js.

The updated code can be found in a file named navbar.js.

Previous jQuery CODE:

$(document).ready(function fixedHeader() {

    var windows = $(window);
    var screenSize = windows.width();
    var sticky = $('#f-navbar');
    var $html = $('html');
    var $body = $('body');

    windows.on('scroll', function () {
        var scroll = windows.scrollTop();
        var headerHeight = sticky.height();

        if (screenSize >= 320) {
            if (scroll < headerHeight) {
            } else {

Updated Vue JS Code:

const navbar = new Vue({
    el: '#f-navbar',
    data: function fixedHeader() {
        return {
            stickyNavbar: {
                isSticky: false
    mounted() {

    methods: {
        handleScrolling () {


HTML Markup:

<nav id="f-navbar" class="navbar navbar-custom navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-white"

Answer №1

When $(document).ready is utilized, it functions similarly to Vue's mounted hook but specifically applies to Component.

In your Navbar.vue file within the <script> section:

mounted() {
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.getWindowWidth);
data() {
    return {
      screenSize: 0,
  methods: {
    getWindowWidth() {
      this.screenSize= window.innerWidth;

Within the template section of your NavBar component,

you should assign the :class based on certain conditions:

<nav :class="{'is-sticky': screenSize == 320}">

UPDATE: The is-sticky class will only be visible when the scroll position equals 320 in the window's width size.

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