CSS regression testing through version control systems and continuous integration

Is there a tool that integrates with CI systems and VCS like Git to automatically assign regression test results to individual commits? Ideally, this tool would provide a concise summary on a main page showing passed/failed numbers for each commit, with the option to access detailed results on a separate page. While BackstopJS is currently used for this purpose, I'm open to alternative solutions.

I'm seeking a more efficient workflow than manually copying results from BackstopJS to a folder based on timestamps. Any suggestions or recommendations are greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To improve your development process, consider implementing 'pre commit hooks' and integrating them into your build workflow. Using a grunt-based git hook module and some bash scripting can help automate this process.

In my projects, I personally conduct manual CSS Regression testing before committing or pushing any changes.

For more information on grunt-githooks, you can visit: https://www.npmjs.com/package/grunt-githooks

Check out this helpful guide on using a git pre-commit hook effectively:

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