CSS KeyFrame animations

My goal is to have my elements gracefully fade in with 2 lines extending out of a circle, one to the left and one to the right.
However, I am struggling to achieve this. Every time I attempt to display the lines, it ends up shrinking the entire design. My objective is to keep the circle centered and have the lines (container) gradually expand.
I have already tried setting it to absolute positioning, but that didn't solve the issue :\

To see the current state of the code, visit: Codepen.io

Answer №1

If you want to create a smooth CSS3 animation without adding different classes for each element, you can utilize pseudo selectors :before and :after.

.container > span{
animation:opt 2s ease forwards;
animation:opt 2s ease forwards;
@keyframes opt{
.container > span:before{
transition:1s ease;
animation:wdth 2s ease forwards 1s;
.container > span:after{
transition:1s ease;
animation:wdth 2s ease forwards 1s;
@keyframes wdth{
<div class="container">
 <span>Ghaleon Games</span>

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