What is the purpose of setting the image border to inline block?

When I added a span element as the circular border to my image, which is placed inside a span tag, I observed that the span tag was being pushed down. By giving the span a display:inline-block property, the issue was resolved. But why does this happen?

 <span class="avatar"><img src="images/avatar.jpg" alt=""></span>

Answer №1

To achieve a border radius effect on your image, you can use the inline-block display property of the span element. However, keep in mind that this property may disrupt the circular border appearance. To add a border radius, simply include a class or style with the desired value inside the img tag:

<img src="images/avatar.jpg" style="border-radius:35px;"></img>

Answer №2

<span class="avatar"><img src="photos/profile.jpg" alt=""></span>

Here is the solution:


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