CSS issue: Font size

Can someone help me out with a CSS issue that has been tripping me up? I've been working with CSS for three years now, and this particular problem is stumping me.

I have defined some styles in my CSS file that should be applied to the content of my webpage. In general, these CSS rules work fine, but there are exceptions like the "page_child_title" class. I always thought that if I specified a style further down in my CSS for specific classes, it would override earlier declarations. However, in this case, that doesn't seem to be true. When I use Firebug to inspect, it appears that my browser is using the font size CSS of ".page a" instead of the ".page_child_title" (which I definitely disagree with). The color from ".page_child_title" is being applied correctly though. Below, you'll find the HTML and CSS snippets I'm referring to.


<div id="page" class="page Jobs">
    <div class="page_child">
        <a class="page_child_title" ...


.page p, .page ul, .page a {
    font-size: 10px;
    text-align: justify;
style.css (line 208)

.page_child_title {
    color: #006633;
    font-size: 12px;
style.css (line 262)

I've tried changing ".page_child_title" to ".Jobs a," but that didn't solve the issue. Then I attempted declaring ".page_child_title" before ".page a," but got the same result. Now, I'm at a loss. Does anyone have any insights into what might be causing this problem?

Answer №2

In my opinion, choosing an element based on its type instead of its class name would provide more precision.

Consider switching from .page_child_title to a.page_child_title


Answer №3

If you're looking for a solution, here are two options to consider:

  1. Check out this link

Make sure to modify page_child_title



  1. You might find this link helpful too

This approach provides a direct statement to the element in question.

I hope these suggestions prove useful for your needs!

Answer №4

A simple solution would be to update your design to


It seems likely that the issue lies in the css hierarchy and specifying the style of a directly.

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