CSS - How can text and images be effectively combined for a visually appealing design?

We're tasked with designing text in the following format:

Text in English XXX Text in English XXX Text in English.

The XXX placeholders need to be replaced with images that have the same height as the English text.

Is there a better solution for this design challenge? Let me know your thoughts.

Thank you

//////// Update ////////////////

The XXX placeholders actually represent text translated into other languages.

For example, given the sentence:

Apple, Orange, and Banana.

We are required to modify the line to:

Apple (XXX), Orange (XXX), and Banana (XXX).

Here, XXX represents translations of different fruits in foreign languages. The decision to use images instead of text in unicode is to ensure user-friendly viewing without requiring different character sets.

Answer №1

One suggestion is to set the line height and image height in ems. In order to maintain the correct proportions, the image width should be a multiple of the height.

Answer №2

It's quite challenging to understand your specific requirements as you haven't provided much detail, but here are a few ways to achieve what you're looking for.

The most straightforward approach is to insert the images using the img tags. Images are typically inline elements, and if they are meant to be the same height as the surrounding text, there shouldn't be any issues with directly inserting them, similar to this example image here. Just ensure you include the appropriate alt text for accessibility.

If you truly desire image text replacement, you can opt for the conventional technique, such as:

#replace {
    text-indent: -9999px;
    background: url('https://i.sstatic.net/da29E.png') no-repeat center bottom;
    width: 16px;
    height: 14px;
    display: inline-block;

Here, #replace is a span within a paragraph, like this:

<p>The <span id="replace">Flag of the United States of America</span> is a remarkable flag. </p>

As you can observe, this method is a bit cumbersome and doesn't offer any distinct advantages over using the img tag. You can view the text replacement version here: http://jsfiddle.net/VEn5p/

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