Is it possible for jQuery to execute in a sequential manner?

Below is the code I am working with:


#bg {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: -1;
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity .25s ease-in-out;


$(function() {
    $('#triggerModel').hover(function () {
        $("#bg").css({'background-image': "url('backgroundModel.jpg')"});

$(function() {
    $('#triggerArt').hover(function () {
        $("#bg").css({'background-image': "url('backgroundArt.jpg')"});

$(function() {
    $('#triggerDev').hover(function () {
        $("#bg").css({'background-image': "url('backgroundDev.jpg')"});

My understanding of coding tells me that each line should execute sequentially. For example, shouldn't it set the opacity to 0 first with $("#bg").css({'opacity':0});, then change the background image with

$("#bg").css({'background-image': "url('backgroundModel.jpg')"});
, and finally restore the opacity to 1?

When the page loads, according to the CSS code, the background image has an opacity of 0 and no actual image loaded. Upon hovering over the element, it animates as expected. However, when I hover over another one of the three nav elements, the opacity easing is ignored and it immediately switches to the next background image.

Is there a way to make jQuery follow instructions in sequence? Should I introduce a delay between functions to allow for transitions? Or is jQuery failing to recognize the transition in the CSS code after the initial execution?

Answer №1

Don't forget to consider the delay you set in your CSS, as JS/jQuery is not aware of it.

For a better solution, you can utilize the mouseover() and mouseout() functions.

$(function() {
    $('#triggerModel').mouseover(function () {
           $("#bg").css({'background-image': "url('')"});

    $('#triggerArt').mouseover(function () {
           $("#bg").css({'background-image': "url('')"});

    $('#triggerDev').hover(function () {
       $("#bg").css({'background-image': "url('')"});


You can check out an example closer to what you're looking for here:


I made changes to the HTML/DOM structure: I replaced the id with a class, added the tag data-bgimg containing the background image link. With this setup, adding a similar effect elsewhere just requires changing the data-bgimg URL.

<div class="interactiveBackground" data-bgimg="" style="float:right;">
      <a href="#"><img src="" alt=""/></a>

Reusable JS code: Selecting the interactiveBackground class, I use $(this) to target the currently triggered DOM object. By accessing its data-bgimg attribute, the value is stored in the background variable.

$(function() {

        var background = $(this).attr('data-bgimg');
        $("#bg").css({'background-image':"url('" + background + "')" });


Check out this modified version on jsFiddle:

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