CSS exhibiting variations on similar pages

Although the pages look identical, they are actually pulled from the same template file in Drupal but have different URLs.


In my document head, I've included a style rule that overrides a stylesheet further up the cascade:

a:link, a:visited {
font-size: 12px;

The font size is too large, and while the CSS override works for the first link, it doesn't apply to the second. The larger font only appears after voting in the poll and reloading the page to see "See full results | About".

Additionally, I'm unable to edit the linked CSS file via FTP because the Owner/Group is set to "apache" instead of my user name, hence why I require the override.

Answer №1

It seems like the issue lies in the difference between your two pages. The working page has the text nested within a td element with a class of soups, while the non-working page does not have this nesting. As a result, the CSS rule that relies on the soups class is not being applied correctly.

UPDATE: Just to clarify, the CSS rule you mentioned in your question is not responsible for the smaller text size on the first link. The actual rule causing the text size to be 14px instead of 12px is:

.soups a, .soups font{

This rule is being applied incorrectly due to the difference in nesting between the two pages.

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