What is the process for incorporating the !important declaration into a CSS-in-JS (JSS) class attribute?

I'm currently exploring the use of CSS-in-JS classes from this specific response in conjunction with a Material UI component within my React project. In order to override the CSS set by Bootstrap, I've decided to utilize the !important modifier. However, I am facing challenges as I have only used this in .css files previously and am unsure of how to implement it in CSS-in-JS. The styles object that I intend to pass into the Material-UI withStyles function is structured as follows. How can I incorporate the !important rule to the fontSize attribute? I've attempted using 30 !important and other variations without success.

Thank you in advance.

const styles = {
  labelRoot: {
    fontSize: 30

Answer №1

It is recommended that you follow Adrian's advice and avoid doing this, but if it is absolutely necessary, you have the option of setting it as a string:

const customStyles = {
  rootLabel: {
    fontSize: '30px !important',

Answer №2

If you want to simplify your code, consider using the new method for array syntax when dealing with space and comma separated values.

Here's an example:

const styles = {
  title: {
    fontSize: [[24], '!important'],
    padding: [[10, 15], '!important']

Answer №3

If you want to apply the !important styling inline, you can do so in a similar way as you would in a CSS file.

In this example below, both divs are styled with blue !important using CSS. However, the pink div has the important rule applied inline as well, giving it higher precedence.

div {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background: blue !important;
  <div style="background: red;"></div>
  <div style="background: pink !important;"></div>

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