Creating unique styles with styled components without the use of selectors

Is it possible to achieve contextual styling without using CSS selectors?

For example:

<Button primary>
    <Text>BUTTON</Text> // if the button is primary then have 20px padding else 0
    <Icon/> // if the button is primary then have red background

I prefer not to use CSS for these styles because I want to share my components in React Native (where selectors and CSS are not used).

Answer №1

CSS is essential for styling webpages. It's puzzling why one would opt out of utilizing it.

button {
    padding: 0;

button[primary] {
    padding: 20px;

button[primary] icon {
    background-color: red;

If you have reservations about using CSS, feel free to share your reasons so that I can tailor my response accordingly.

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