Creating stylistic layouts for text using CSS

After spending the last hour designing a web page, I am stuck on a particular issue that I just can't seem to solve.

I need to write several paragraphs while adhering to two specific constraints:

1) The div in which the text resides must be centered, but I want the actual text inside to remain left-aligned. A good example is the links/text found at

2) I want to constrain the text to fit within the size of the div. If a line reaches the boundary, it should break wherever necessary and continue on the next line with left alignment. Even when the window is resized, I do not want any overflow to be hidden.

The <pre> tags in my code have the class "preformatted," which I've customized as shown below:

.preformatted {
    font-family: monospace;
    white-space: nowrap;
    text-align: center;

I apologize for the rookie question, but I have searched everywhere for a solution. Despite experimenting with overflow, whitespace, and other tags, I haven't had any luck. There must be an easier way to achieve this instead of manually adjusting each line like I'm currently doing.

Answer №1

It seems like there might be some confusion about your question, but you can easily center a div using the CSS property margin: 0 auto without impacting the alignment of the text inside it. The text will automatically wrap to a new line when it reaches the width of the div. Check out this example on jsfiddle to see it in action:

Answer №2

1) To align your div in the center, there are a few techniques you can try. One classic method is to use margin: 0 auto;. You can also experiment with using position or adjusting the margin properties to achieve the desired result.

2) If you need to prevent text from overflowing outside of the div's boundaries, apply overflow:hidden; to the div element. This will ensure that any excess text is hidden within the container.

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