What is the best way to arrange the second div in the second row, while the first and third div are displayed on the first row within the MUI appbar

I have 3 components in the appbar, 1. Logo 2. Search Input 3. Login Buttons

When viewing on desktop, all three components will be in a single row as shown below


Below is my code snippet:

export default function NavBar(props) {
return (
  <CssBaseline />
  <HideOnScroll {...props}>
    <AppBar elevation={0}>
      <Container sx={{ pl: { xs: '5px', sm: '5px', md: '16px' }, pr: { xs: '5px', sm: '5px', md: '16px' } }}>
        <Toolbar sx={{ pl: { xs: '0px', sm: '0px', md: '16px' }, pr: { xs: '5px', sm: '5px', md: '16px' } }}>
          //First Part
          <Typography sx={{ fontWeight: 600, display: { xs: 'inline-block', sm: 'inline-block', md: 'inline-block' } }}>LOGO</Typography>
          //Second Part
          <InputSearch />

          //Third Part
            <IconButton sx={{ color: '#fff' }} size='large' aria-label="add to shopping cart">
              <AddShoppingCartIcon />
            <Button variant="outlined" size='small' sx={{backgroundColor:'#fff', height:'30px', borderColor:'#fff'}}>Login</Button>

In the second part of the appbar, I want the search input component to be displayed on a separate second row.

Answer №1

To enhance the layout, I suggest eliminating the <Toolbar> container and utilizing flex box along with some new styles. Check out this live demo for reference.

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