What is the process for deselecting text from a text field?

After performing a search and displaying the results on my search form, I've noticed that the text query in the textfield is being marked as selected text even though I don't want it to be. How can I prevent this?


1) What is the best approach for displaying the search field after returning from a search? Should the field be focused like Google does, or should the query string be displayed in the search field without focus like I have implemented so far?

2) How can I implement a solution to this issue?

This is what I have currently:

<input placeholder="Search" name="query" size="20" id="searchtext" title="Search" class="placeholder" alt="q" type="text" value="{{query}}"><script type="text/javascript">

Answer №1

When an input is in focus, the placeholder text color will become transparent on WebKit browsers and Mozilla Firefox.


In WebKit browsers, the placeholder text will have a color of #999.
In Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18, the placeholder text will also have a color of #999.
In Mozilla Firefox 19+, the placeholder text will still have a color of #999.
In Internet Explorer 10+, the placeholder text will once again have a color of #999.

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