Creating equal height divs with Bootstrap

I am currently working on the design of a dashboard and facing a challenge with ensuring that two Bootstrap Cards within the same row container div have the same height. Despite searching for solutions on Stack Overflow and attempting to implement them, I have not been successful so far. Specifically, I aim to make the "Resignation Breakdown" div equal in height to the "Resignation in {month}" div when the screen size is considered large (lg) or higher in bootstrap 4.

#resign-widget.row.col-lg-4.card {
    height = 100%;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
....(remaining code has been removed for brevity)

Answer №1

To make the cards height 100% of their parent elements, which are the columns in this case, you can set the CSS as follows:

#resign-widget.row.col-lg-4.card {
    height: 100%;

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